Great Awakening Tour City #26 Sanford, FL | Chet A Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I spoke to 19 people.5 are saved, 5 were not interested and 9 prayed with me. 2 young black man, Pito is a young Hispanic with a woman and 3 kids. The woman walked away and Pito stayed to pray-he is kinda dressed street kid with tattoos, but he was very interested. Andrews was walking with a friend got spirit up-he told me he is going to heaven because he is a good person and goer to church. After we prayed, he found his friend who had just finished praying with another harvester.Not sure if they were going to heaven. Catholic lady- has had many opportunities to receive Christ and hadn’t received Christ until today.


Chet A
Sanford Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #26 Sanford, FL | Mary F Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Nursing home-bed ridden man, after saying to him “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” he abruptly said “I won’t have anything to do with a god who took my wife of cancer 43 yrs ago, and my son of a heart attack 23 yrs ago” I opened my mouth and the Lord filled it.The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give life. After sharing the goodness of God- I led him in the shortened script and he repeated and had a peaceful, smiling look on his face.


Mary F
Sanford Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #26 Sanford, FL | Jim B Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Young lady was walking across parking lot in a hurry ad stated she was embarrassed to let anyone know we were praying for her so we walked with her fast across the parking lot and a field all the way to the street- she prayed the prayer and accepted Christ. Lady coming out of house- drunk and smoke-while she was praying her friend came and without hesitation she jumped in. On mormon woman led to the Lord by Briana(15 yrs old)that was her first time ever witnessing on the streets. Team had a blast…31 souls saved in about 2 hours at WalMart Sanford. 3″hip hoppers” selling CD’s out of their trunk- turned the music down and were saved! On “christian” selling a “hot” cd player rededicated his life. One old 80+ yrs old lady saved!


Jim B
Sanford Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #26 Sanford, FL | Ro K Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Lady-gave word- soften her heart. Prostitute on streets- Am I arrested? Received Christ. Little lady, couldn’t speak or see, could only squeeze soul winners hand- nurse that was feeding her said:” That was for me too.” Nurse was crying and thank soul winner 3xs- A young lady from India, she didn’t want to answer the guestion she would go to heaven or not because she was diagnosed with brain cancer today. But she listened to th script and received Jesus as her Savior and knows she will go to the Heaven what ever happens.


Ro K
Sanford Florida United States