Great Awakening Tour City #1 Humble, Texas

I have listened to your stewardship series and testimonies about living by faith, living to give, living off of your giving, and believing God for big things. I was most impressed by the testimony of Debbie Rich also. As soon as I bought my car, I knew it would be a seed to sow when I finished paying for it. I finished paying for it in August of 2006. Before I came to the minister’s conference, God told me to sow it as a seed to my church here in Galveston. My pastor owns a car lot here. His partner caught the vision and gave one of his cars off the lot to a minister to go to Mexico to a conference in his hometown. One of my friends caught the vision and gave her van to the church she attends for the youth ministry to go places.

When I got back from the minister’s conference, I touched and agreed with the pastor that the Lord would send somebody to pay cash for that car. That same day the Lord healed him of diabetes, and last month, somebody came up to him and offered him cash for the car at only $500 less than the book value. I do not call my brother ‘Reverend Bill’ anymore–I call him ‘Raven Bill’ because he let me use his truck until I receive my car. I am friends with a couple who are missionaries to the Phillipines. They will be moving to the Phillipines this year. I will pick up the notes on their car when they leave America to go to the Phillipines full-time. These are exciting times for me because I am stepping out on faith in God. I withdrew part of my retirement money and have invested part of it into the kingdom of God. I remember when you spoke on that God WILL take care of you in your old age. I have cast my bread upon the waters. I know I will see a great return, because I truly am believing God for big things.