Rodney Howard Browne – Jarrett G. Testimony

Everyday has been so powerful, but one night stands out in particular. In the first week of orientation I had come for the Friday night meeting. I was so physically worn out that I had almost decided not to go, but every pastor each day kept encouraging us to really press in to what the Lord had for us. Pastor Daniel Magee was giving a powerful message that night on walking in freedom and power. I had really been pressing in for breakthrough in the months prior just for freedom to worship and being who God created me to be. At the end of the night after the broadcast was over, I contemplated leaving because of how exhausted I was. Something in me told me to stay and then moments later,

Pastor Daniel was led by the Spirit to give an alter call for those that felt bound by their past condemnation. I ran up. When he laid hands on me, the anointing of God came on me like never before. The Lord spoke these powerful declarations through Pastor Daniel to my heart. “I am free to live a holy and pure life” and “wherever I go is a safe place because my Dad is the King of the universe”.  As the Lord ministered to my heart I began to scream and shout . With every yell, I could feel the bondage being lifted from me. By far, the most amazing night of freedom so far! Seriously, these words don’t do it any justice. Also, this is so sweet, just days before that night I was talking to a friend about the joy and how I hadn’t experienced it yet. Well, as I wandered somehow from the sanctuary to my car that night to drive home (it was about 1 in the morning) the joy hit me in a major way. I laughed and cried hysterically for about 30 min. I don’t even know how I made it home! Thank You Jesus…Jarrett G.