Matters of the Heart | Sean Liburdi Testimony

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I learned many important values from Pastor Adonica’s class, Matters of the Heart. I learned that the attitude of your heart will determine where you will end up in ten or twenty years down the road. Since God looks at the heart and he is a discerner of it means that the attitude of someone’s heart is probably the most vital issue. Even with small issues someone can become defiled, but not if you keep your heart right. This really helped me learn how important it is to guard my heart and the content of my thoughts. Out of the abundance of the heart my mouth will speak. That is an important way for me to tell the condition of my heart. I found it interesting to learn that my heart has an alarm system that my brain corresponds with and that if you go with your heart you will have peace. Peace should rule your decisions.

I also learned that it is never a good idea to make important decisions when you are angry or upset and to always strive to walk in the love of God and let offences go. We should always come to the Lord with humility and avoid arrogance or pride at all costs. Walking in the love of God is something I personally want to accomplish on a daily basis since perfect love casts out all fear. I learned the importance of being teachable and receiving correction and not to even get involved with someone else’s offenses. Pastor Adonica taught us that you never want to major on manifestations and to do only what God wants you to do. Bitterness was another issue we were taught to avoid and that hidden sins of the heart can take you out and how whatever someone tries to protect from sinning will be lost anyway. Another issue that I thought was good to know was how someone can do the right thing with a wrong heart and be wrong. I felt like this subject is something that could be taught for an entire year and you would still be learning, but Pastor Adonica did a great job with it in only one week. It is amazing how God can give you a ton of knowledge in a short period of time. Isn’t God awesome!