Ministers Conferences 2010 – Serenity F. Testimony

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I’ve been asking God for a deeper revelation of Him. Everything that was on my heart was talked about in this Minister’s Conference. It was as if the conference was just for me. Apostle Maldonado was speaking about spiritual gifts among many other things, which had just been spoken about with our teachers in class. It was as if it had been all planned out. I’ve never heard him before and greatly enjoyed his teaching style, incorporating music with his preaching.

Then when Phil Smithhurst spoke about the Culture of the Kingdom, you could feel everyone’s faith rise. Hearing him and his wife, Sharon speak about the people that they minister to, you could see the pure love that they had for everyone. Listening to their hearts as to what’s really important is very moving and I‘m sure has opened many people‘s eyes. I’ve already decided to go to Overland Missions when I’ve completed school, so hearing them speak about it again is very exciting.

Then Pastor Andre from East London South Africa spoke about increase, tithing and offerings from a different perspective. Both Pastor Andre and Phil Smithhurst taught about the necessity of people being involved in the ministry as well as the business aspect of things and how the end times there will be a shift that will take place and God’s children will be more involved than ever in business in order to fund the end time harvest. That is my strong desire, to be involved in ministry spreading the Gospel across the world and having businesses for the sole purpose of expanding God’s Kingdom. Afterwards, both Pastor Andre and Phil Smithhurst laid hands on everyone together. It was extremely powerful and life changing for all who came.