Winter Camp Meeting | Nellyssa Lopez Testimony

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The entire week of camp meeting was eye opening I was continually challenged in my daily life. I walked away each day with my faith increased as I prepared for the battle that was quickly approaching me. One thing that really spoke to me was the 2pm service on the Friday. The Lord had actually been dealing with me since the beginning of the year about pruning. I knew that the Lord was going to prune certain things from my life and from the ministry that I am involved in and I was ready for it. But on that Friday Pastor Rodney spoke about enabling cut of branches. It just really spoke to me because the exact passage that the Lord had been using to deal with me was John 15 which speaks of Jesus being the vine and the vinedresser and we the branches and Jesus will cut away the branches that do not produce any fruit. I didn’t realize that in my not standing up against someone who was doing wrong I was actually enabling them as cut off branches and I was even hindering them as well as myself because God could not use them until they were moved and graphed to the vine in another location. It just amazed me because this wasn’t even the sermon he was planning on. It was a commentary he was making before the offering. It was even more astounding that he used the exact terminology that the Lord had been using with me. That was the step that allowed me to rally up my courage and speak to them with loving firmness and even though I feel anger and dagger like resentment from that person I know in my heart that the Lord is using this as a means to grow us both and to further His kingdom. I am truly grateful and I thank God that Pastor Rodney yields to the Holy Spirit whenever possible because I’m not sure where I would have been without those words of knowledge in my life. Thank you Pastor Rodney